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Location: Penfield Fire Department
Attended by: Board Members (Auberger, Tantalo, Dyjak, Watson, Elliotto) and 49 Union Members. 54 Total Union Members in attendance.

Special Guest : Attorney Jules Smith and Associate.

1) Treasure John Watson gave the updated Treasures Report. Motion to accept the Treasures Report. Passed 54-0.

2) Attorney Jules Smith and Associate reported on the current appeal process on the current interest arbitration award. Membership was notified of the Union Board discussion with our Attorney in reference to this case. The membership was notified that the Board voted to continue the appeals process and opened the floor for discussion and questions. The conversation included current and projected cost of this appeal.

3) Discussed current open improper practice charges that are currently being heard before PERB. These cases included: Pistol Permit, Union Release Time, Tattoo Policy and the Part-Time Deputy assigned to JTTF. Floor was open for questions and discussion.

4) Discussed the outcome of the MCSPBA Golf Tournament. A check was issued to Golisano Children’s Hospital for $6,000.

5) Discussed the formal Negotiating Committee. The Board added Sgt. Ball as an additional member to the Negotiation Committee. The committee will include the five Board members, Sgt. Ball and (alternate members Spallina and Moore).

6) Discussion on the use of Union Reps. Motion Ball – Second Bancroft to eliminate the Union Rep position. Motion PASSED: 27 YES, 21 No, 4 Abstained.

7) Discussed plans to have Attorney John Bernacki assist members in offering Estate Planning and Wills at our January meeting.

8) Discussed the MCSPBA Website. New Union website is
Discussed Union Facebook and Twitter accounts.

9) Discussed recommendations on a new Criminal Defense Attorney for the Union. The Board will be looking in to this.

10) Discussed the endorsement of Adam Bello for Monroe County Clerk. Motion Wildman – Second Senko to endorse Adam Bello. Motion PASSED 34 YES, 5 NO, 6 Abstain.

11) Board Appointed Rich Tantalo as the point of contact for all political candidates.

12) Discussed the transfer of a Sgt to the Airport. The Board will follow-up.

13) Discussed joining the Deputy Sheriff’s Association as an Associate Member. The cost is $500. Motion made… Passed 54-0.

14) January Meeting will be an election meeting Position of Secretary will be elected.

Respectfully Submitted: Jason Elliotto

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