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To the membership:

This letter is written in response to the personal attacks on the union board and the blatant efforts to cast doubt amongst its collective members. It is unfortunate that I need to take these measures to counteract a minority of members who seek to divide and disband the MCSPBA, but apparently it is necessary at this point.

First, we must question the timing and motivation of their recent actions. Some questions that may come to your mind are:

Are some of these members’ people who have run for a position on the union board and lost?
Can some of these members retire if things don’t work out with another union?
Are the rumors that members are not properly being represented being presented as fact?

During the election back in May 2010, every candidate that ran for a position urged solidarity and transparency, including me. It doesn’t appear as though some of those candidates truly believe in this. Since I was elected by the majority I can only assume that this is what our members want and I need to make sure it happens. We have a contract expiring in 2 years and not only do we need to prepare but we need to show the County that we are united and strong.

Certain members continue to run propaganda that hurts this union. These members choose to separate themselves from any union protocol and only rely on lies and deceit to sway the views and opinions far from reality.

We have a union meeting on December 13th, 2010 at the Wishing Well on Chili Ave. Meeting Times will be at 11:30am and 6:30pm. Our guest speakers are from unions that we are affiliated with currently. The board and I chose to have them speak at this union meeting to inform members as to the benefits we receive by being united with them. Most members do not know this information so it will be educational for them.

I am setting ground rules for the attending members at this union meeting. The 3 men that will be in attendance all have been in law enforcement for over 20 years and have a wealth of knowledge in police union affairs to share with us.

1) Meeting will start with a ballot vote. As you sign in, you will be given a ballot to either vote for the Investigator Sergeant position as is and to continue to keep the contract language the same as it is stated in the present Collective Bargaining Agreement.
Continue to spend union funds to fight the promotional rank of Investigator Sergeant and the language changes made to the contract in 2009.
2) Introduce guest speakers and allow them to present their information
3) Question and answer to any of the guest panel
4) The panel will be asked to leave and our union members will discuss union business.

It is expected that all attending members maintain professionalism at this meeting. Any members who choose to be disrespectful or embarrass the MCSPBA in anyway will be asked to leave.

This meeting and all the information that will be presented in it, affects every member of the MCSPBA. Majority vote will rule decisions. I hope to see everyone there.

Thank you,
MCS PBA President, Greg Woodworth

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