Monroe County Sheriff’s Police Benevolent Association
MCSPBA Union Representative Meeting: December 27th, 2012
Location: Jay’s Diner, W. Henrietta Rd., Brighton, NY
Executive Board Present: President Steve Michaels, 2nd Vice President Jeff
DelGudico, Secretary Joe Bates, Treasurer Joe Firpo.
Representatives Present: Scott Comfort, Greg Wildman, Phil Fantanza, Peter Zambuto, Matt MacKenzie, Paul Schutt.
Motion to Open: 1) Greg Wildman 2) Phil Fantanza 6:23 p.m.
President Michaels distributed handouts with current MCSPBA updates/issues to include:
A) Officer Safety: Advising on alarms, 2 man response to priority calls, driving the speed
limit, not stacking district jobs.
B) Contract negotiations: Proposed changes in health care and wages.
C) Website: Looking for positive stories about members to post.
D) Calendars and stickers are in.
E) Ogden PD Contract: No progress.
F) MCSPBA is moving location: same cost, more room, safer area.
No current assignment problems brought forth by the reps. Discussed the moving of members to specialized assignments.
Motion to Close: 1) Paul Schutt 2) Scott Comfort 7:41p.m.
Minutes submitted by Joseph Bates