Monroe County Sheriff’s Police Benevolent Association
Membership Meeting Minutes: July 9th, 2012
Time and location: 11:30 am and 2:30 pm at Gates Co. 1 Fire Hall, Chili Ave, Gates, NY
Present: President Steve Michaels, 1st Vice President Pat Rojas, 2nd Vice President Jeff DelGudico, Secretary Joseph Bates, Treasurer Joe Firpo
Motion to open 11:45 am: 1st Richards, 2nd Ball;
Motion to open 2:44 pm: 1st Comfort, 2nd Carroll
- President Michaels discussed several issues of MCSPBA Member’s family issues to include recent births, health concerns, and the pit bull shooting in which all involved members were exonerated.
- Treasurer Firpo presented the financial report: HSBC Donation Account approximately $16,000, M&T Savings Account approximately $116,000, M&T Checking Account approximately $91,000.
- Vice President DelGudico discussed the upcoming MCSPBA Golf Toumament
on Aug. 20th, 2012. The tournament proceeds will benefit UNYFEAT (in support
and at the request of member Jim Carroll). - Secretary Bates discussed the continued monitoring of inappropriate MDT messaging by supervisors and the administration. Please be professional as this is becoming a growing concern.
- President Michaels discussed the GPS monitoring system “Trac-Star” currently being used by the administration and supervisors. Real time speeds, Fleet numbers and locations and being reviewed and logged. This information may be used if a member is involved in an MVA. The use of “Clip On” cameras is currently being discussed by the administration. Rural Metro ambulances currently have cameras on their vehicles and deputies may be recorded during ambulance calls.
- MCSO may be responding to less cellphone/texting driver calls and they plan to start sending letters to offenders who are called in to 911.
- Rand Research is conducting a survey on police involved MVAs, and you may be asked to complete this survey if it applies.
Current Issues:
1) Prokop won his grievance in regard to being forced into light duty. Members can no longer be compelled into light duty positions.
2) We are still trying to ensure that members Prokop and Hendel are accepted into the proper retirement system.
3) We lost the TEU grievance in arbitration in regard to them being forced to attend In-Service training.
4) It was determined that former Deputy Lou Ferrari was in fact in our Union at his time of retirement, and is eligible for all retirement benefits under the MCSPBA CBA at that time.
5) There is still an issue with using Sick Leave during the birth of a child. Please forward all problems associated with the Sick Leave General Order to President Michaels. Make sure you articulate the need for time off for the “Care and Attendance” of your spouse.
6) The nighttime TEU deputies were ordered to work daytime hours during the LPGA. We are working with the administration to resolve this issue.
7) Vice President Rojas discussed the fact that if you need clearance to return to work from Dr. Schmigel, by contract he is required to make himself available to us.
8) Contact President Michaels if you have any interest in becoming a Union Rep, or to belong to any of the committees.
9) Attorney DeBolt discussed the new “Administrative Sergeant” position. At this point we have no recourse to prevent the Sheriff from creating these positions.
10) President Michaels discussed the Governor trying to pass legislation in which if government employees are without a contract, they no longer have protection or guarantees under their old contracts. Contracts may be imposed at this time without negotiations or arbitration.
11) The next contract meeting with the County is scheduled for Friday July 13th. The County was non-committal and purposefully vague after the first meeting. The County claimed that they will not be considering a change in health care providers for at least two more years. The county indicated no preference in either direction in regard to 10 hour work days.
12) Favata questioned the consideration for a change in MCSPBA attorneys which will be considered once contract negotiations are complete.
Motion to close first meeting: 1st Melos, 2nd Baretella. Second meeting: 1st Wiest, 2nd Carroll.
* Meeting adjourned at 12:53pm and 3:42pm.
Minutes submitted by Secretary Joseph Bates