Monroe County Sheriff’s Police Benevolent Association
Member Meeting Minutes: October 6th, 2011
Time and location: 11:30 am and 2:30 pm at Gates Fire Hall Co.1, Chili Ave., Gates, NY
Present: President Greg Woodworth, 1st Vice President Pat Rojas, 2nd Vice President Jeff Delgudico and Secretary Joseph Bates.
Meeting Called to Order at 11:52 am and 2:38 pm respectively by President Woodworth.
1st Meeting Motion to Open: D’Aprile and Okolowicz.
2nd Meeting Motion to Open: Mann and Nevelezer.
1st Meeting Motion to waive the reading of the last minutes: Carroll and Baretela.
2nd Meeting Motion to waive the reading of the last minutes: Glazier and Nevelezer.
1st Meeting Motion to waive the financial report: Richards and Barrus.
President Woodworth allowed a representative from Mass Mutual to address the membership in regard to Short Term Disability Insurance which has been made available to the MCSPBA members.
Issues at hand:
1) President Woodworth announced that Sgt. Jeff Delgudico was unopposed in running for the 2nd Vice President position. All were in favor, no abstains. Congratulations to Jeff.
2) Members were asked to consider volunteering at the Ronald McDonald House along with other members of local police unions. Please notify President Woodworth if you have any interest.
3) The Administration is eliminating the use of Full Time Deputies to run details for the disposal of prescription medications and other drugs. They have decided to use Part Time Deputies for these details, and the Board is assessing whether this is a duty we wish to maintain, or if members prefer not to be involved in these details. This may be an example of Part Time Deputies performing Full Time Deputy work, and is a potential grievance for the MCSPBA.
4) The Administration has come forth with a new “Technology” Policy in regard to use of department computers to check social media networks (Facebook, MySpace, etc.). Members are asked not to check personal emails or use social networking on department computers. This does not prevent members from personal computer use or using cell phones, Ipads, or other media devices for their personal use.
5) Sick Leave Policy: The MCSPBA has argued against the use of formal discipline for the use of earned Sick Leave. The Administration still wishes to put the use of a Memorandum of Record into a written General Order and debates that this is not discipline.
6) We will continue to update members on the sentencing of the defendant in the Jon Strong shooting. Members are encouraged to attend the sentencing
7) Grievances/Potential Grievances: a) Light Duty: We believe that members should be able to work limited part time jobs while out on light duty. Members on light duty had been told in the past that they cannot work outside employment. This is incorrect as long as the outside employment has the same physical restrictions as those keeping them from working full duty. b) Accrued Time: For members that had left MCSO and then returned, the wording of the General Order and CBA indicates that members in this situation are not accruing the proper amount of vacation time. c) Currently three members are in the wrong retirement system. This situation may be resolved shortly. d) If members are hurt ON DUTY, and are required to attend physical therapy, they should schedule their appointments on work days in order to qualify for overtime. e) TEU shifts are still being switched without approval for radar runs to Albany in what appears to be an attempt to avoid overtime. f) Personnel files must be purged after one year. It was brought to our attention that electronic files are being maintained for much longer. This issue is currently being discussed with the administration in protection of our members. We have filed an IP in regard to this matter.
8) Contract Negotiations: We have compiled all other local police agency contracts, but cannot FOIL the County records until April 2012.
9) The issue of the Webster Police not being allowed to work overtime will directly affect MCSO Patrols covering calls in Webster. At the request of Webster Officers, please do not overextend patrols, lunch breaks, etc. in the Town of Webster unnecessarily.
10) The Investigator Sgt. Position was once again discussed in detail (pay scale, duties, career paths, etc.). This is a hotly debated topic, and one which may eventually result in a membership vote before the next contract is accepted.
11) Sgt. Murphy requested that the MCSPBA website provide more information on the upcoming agenda of our meetings. The Board will update notes and agendas as accurately as possible on the website.
12) We are still in the process of requesting the Administration to provide a clear definition of “Special Operations”.
13) When members are told to terminate a “pursuit”, at this time termination is defined as “resuming normal patrol speeds”. The MCSPBA feels that this definition is vague, and possibly should be articulated more clearly.
Future Business:
Contract negotiation preparation is still underway.
Continue to monitor current grievances.
Motions to Close 1st Meeting: Wheeler and Schoeberlein, 2nd Meeting: Re and Favata. Meeting adjourned at 12:44 pm and 3:35 pm respectively.
Minutes submitted by Secretary Joseph Bates